Also good was Jonathan Goad as Marcus Brutus.ĭirector Scott Wentworth does able work with the ‘rabble’ crowd scenes so they have good energy & theatricality – I really enjoy the opening of Act 2 with the rabble scattered throughout the theatre. She handles the slyly manipulative “lend me your ears” speech very well. Michelle Giroux as Mark Antony invests the character with urgency & emotional connection. She handles the role well but seems merely content to give the lines a well enunciated delivery. Seana McKenna does not portray Caesar as being particularly arrogant or ambitious.

Assassins pay the price of their actions. An arrogant & ambitious ruler meets a bad end. I was hoping there would be some layered resonance on the current discussion about gender & representation but if there is it was under too many layers. Where to start with this so-so Stratford Festival production of Julius Caesar? This early play, not regarded as one of Shakespeare’s better pieces, isn’t improved any by the casting of women in the lead roles.